V piatok 4.11.011 sa v Jelšave konala vernisáž výstavy Dušan Hutku - Plastiky z dreva, Ivan Hutka – Land art. V tejto súvislosti je dobre pripomenúť, že autormi výstavy sú otec a syn, žijúci a tvoriaci v Tisovci. Otec Ing. Dušan Hutka sa narodil v Rožňave, mladosť prežil v Revúcej a od roku 1982 pôsobí v Tisovci. Vyštudoval prírodovedný odbor a k výtvarnému umeniu ho doviedla osobná záľuba. Od detstva ho fascinoval les, drevo a najmä samorasty. Už ako chlapec ich zbieral a hľadal v nich tvary, ktoré mu pripomínali postavy, zvieratá, predmety a javy. Postupne ich začal dotvárať. Rešpektuje drevo, jeho prirodzené tvary, ich štruktúru a v záujme ich výsledného efektu niečo im aj pridáva.
Inputting My Measurements and Preferences
I embarked on a thrilling kitchen redesignтАЪ leveraging free online tools. My goal? A stunningтАЪ functional space without breaking the bank. I spent hours exploring various platformsтАЪ comparing features and ease of use. The process felt surprisingly intuitive. I was amazed by how quickly I could visualize different layouts and experiment with various appliances and cabinetry. It was a fun and empowering experienceтАЪ proving that achieving a dream kitchen doesn't require a hefty budget!
My Tiny Bedroom Closet Transformation
Adding texture and pattern is key to preventing a black and white bathroom from feeling stark or monotonous. The interplay of different textures and patterns can add depth and visual interest‚ elevating the design from simple to sophisticated. Consider incorporating various materials to achieve this effect. For example‚ the smooth surface of a marble countertop could be beautifully juxtaposed against the rough texture of a woven bathmat or a patterned cement tile floor. Think about the tactile experience as well as the visual one.